Coiled Hair
Does my hair qualify for the ‘Coiled Hair Treatment’?
The Coiled Hair Treatment is applied to hair types 3C to 4C.
TheCurled-Coiled Hair Screening is applied to hair types 3A to 4C.
You can determine your hair type based on the table below .
ATTENTION: If you have booked a ‘Coiled Hair’ treatment or screening , and during the appointment, it turns out that your hair does not fall under type 3C to 4C, we regretfully have to charge the ‘Coiled Hair’ rate .
Coiled hair requires a different, much more time-consuming combing technique than straight or curly hair of type 2A-3B, for which we schedule additional treatment hours and/or specialists who come specifically for this purpose to the clinic.
These are additional costs that we incur in advance for the appointment.
If you are in doubt, you can send a photo of your hair to the relevant Lice Clinic Location where you will have the appointment.
Only hair types 3C to 4C require the Lice Clinic Coiled Hair Treatment: